I Choose This Place

Travellers: We are not sure where to go, neither do we know the way.
This is not a place we’ve been before, shouldn’t we choose the old place?
Pilgrim!?! Why do you still walk like you don’t care what we say?
Don’t you know we have walked through time more times than you have?

Pilgrim: I’m not walking alone, Don’t you see him?
I’m not going my way, don’t you see it?
The sign posts through His words, don’t you read it?
I’ve tread the path you wish you return to,
It seems more predictable but it’s wealth is empty, don’t you know it?
I’m not led by my will, don’t you feel it?

Traveller: Feel what?

Pilgrim: His presence, don’t you see the light – HIs light?
I’ve seen the rain, seen sun, I’ve felt peace, felt storm,
I was dead but now, I live,
Trust me, Life is home for me.
I would walk through thorns and rough paths
Cause I know its Him leading the way.
I can walk though fire, He said I would not be burned.
It’s as certain as His word says it.
He knows the way and we follow
Through His word, I won’t dash my feet against a stone,
No matter how bumpy the road may be.

Travellers: How do you have such insight?
We are greyed with the years of experience
But we have not known such things with much conviction.
We have heard but we have not seen,
We have learned but have not lived,
We store up words but reject the life,
We teach but do not repent ourselves.

Pilgrim: Faith is our sight.
I do not see the thoughts of my heart,
They are deceitful.
I choose to walk where He walks
I choose to run where He runs
His word is light to my path,
It’s safe in His arms,
I choose this place.


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