
My understanding of Love is beyond a feeling of affection, attraction, admiration or infatuation… Love is “ALL OF THESE as much as IT IS A SACRIFICE AND IT BURNS WITHOUT A REASON.”

Love reminds me of a mother’s Love

Don’t matter what you look like, talk like, seem like or be like, mothers Self burn in love for their kids.

But even more love is genuine Love between a man and a woman…. Because a father and mother’s Love could be biased. It could be as a result of you being theirs.

My Definition of LOVE is The Love that has no answer to WHY!!!! Love above the 5 senses.

People talk about a thin line between Love and Hate.

but I beg to differ… There is no hating within the realms of LOVE! And outside that realm is just a neutral ground.

If you loved me until I made a mistake… You never Loved me!

Toby Martins

(c) 2018