Niel’s Exegesis

We cant save, we are the saved.

Perhaps we have barbed ourselves by lifting biblical phrases, again perhaps, out of context.

Our view, or stand, however; is to me as clear as yours. I wont quote 1John3:11-16 or even go into some long exegesis about how we are doing what is natural to us. It is obvious we all see things differently.

We are younger than you, and in our time, today, when we see a mosquito or a fly, we swat it and pray that we dont already have malaria.

When a lecturer tries to sleep with my friend, we get a recording device and set him up…but we pray the senate dont cancel the class results because of him. We know we cant fight BokoHaram, so we leave that to God. But we switch off the TV when we catch our young siblings watching BBNaija. And we change the station when they’re gone and watch GameofThrones.

We want to ignore the world, we also want to change a few things, get some money, go to work and hope the kids can be left alone with the Tv.

I dont have kids yet.

But I once watched porn. Someone should have told me it would erode my self esteem and that I was misdirecting my time, but no, everyone was ignoring the world.

But I blame no one. And am not even telling anyone to change…I’m just venting. In real life, I will listen to you, because I trust you. I will fix my eyes on Jesus and pray for those who I could have helped. After all, all of my help comes from the Lord; they should trust God too.

I just thought perhaps I should love my neighbour as I…nevermind. I will just pray for him.

Where is it written in the Bible that there should be a balance between what is our and what is God’s responsibility?

We should all seek, first, the kingdom of God…

Madonna once sang, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions; what did she know about good?

…like Paul says, Ephesians 4:11-25, we are all growing to that level where we are rooted in The Truth, all the while trying to speak truth to each other.

The Niel

(c) 2018

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