Have you ever been in a serious fix and you have no clue as to what to do or where to turn to. You know, that moment when prayer seems like such a dumb option. That’s the kind of situation I once found myself. I cannot really remember what the issue was but I guess I will never forget how distressed I was. I just lay there on my bed in my room desperately in need of a solution.

I needed an idea that will provide me an escape route. I didn’t need anyone, I just wanted a way out. The thought of getting on my kneels to pray seemed so ridiculous at the time (that must have been the devil at work ). So I did the craziest kind of prayer I can remember ever saying. While still laying down face up, I said out loud how much I needed help and not just any help but God’s help. Then I proceeded to consider my options again.

True to God’s nature as I mauled over the issue again it hit me. Twas a simple solution really and the more I thought it through I realized God had answered me. I could now see a way out of the mess. God had made that way for me. God had answered me. Sure it was no prayer by any religious standard but God answered me anyways.

Thing is, God is not moved by our religious sagacity, our eloquence or our righteousness. When it comes to prayers all that really matters is sincerity and a desperate need for God and not just what He can offer us whilst believing totally that He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think!

Ezeonyeka Godswill

3 thoughts on “EVERYDAY JESUS

  1. Grace Esedeke says:

    I love this. I once found myself in such and all I did was to say this 3 words: God help me. and it worked.
    From my experience, the effectiveness of our prayer is not in the volume or quality of words we speak, nor in the length of time spent in ‘praying’, nor in the gymnastics we do while praying.
    I think it is simply in our faith in the God who answers prayer and as you pointed out sincerity.

    Blessings to you my brother.

    Liked by 1 person

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