Little Michael was super excited when he got the news that his mother was going to have a baby girl, he was going to become a big brother.

every chance he gets, he goes to the mothers’ belly and starts to sing

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey”

to the sister. this happened for days, and then months passed till the mother was due, little Michael never stopped singing to his baby sister.

finally the mother was due and his excitement only grew but then something happened, there was complications on the pregnancy and the mother delivered the baby with a sickness. the mother got home and little Michael didn’t see his baby sister.

well the baby was kept in the hospital and only grew worse until one day the hospital called, the baby would most likely not make it through the night. Mikes’ mum figured “this might be my only chance of letting him see his little sister alive” so she secretly took mike into the intensive care unit that was not allowed for children when the head nurse was not looking.

Little Mike entered with excitement but suddenly was taken aback by the number of tubes going in and out of the sister. at that moment, the nurse got in and asked for him to be taken away immediately. He took one last look and then started singing,

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away”

to the nurses’ surprise, the blood pressure started dropping, her heart beat stabilized and of course as you would have guessed, they didn’t let little Michael leave. after been made to sing for a few more times, the pale blue colour of death on the sisters’ face disappeared and she was in a sound sleep.

after a few days the girl was discharged all well.

.Joel Osteen

it might seem insignificant, but the little words we say, the little songs we sing and the little blessings are all that matters. so parents do not curse the children and siblings, friends please speak life. God bless you.



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